Covid can't keep us down!
Things have been a little quieter at ShotClub HQ this year... it's almost like some massive global pandemic has swept in and taken away...

Gearing up for winter weddings....
Well, the summer has been a little busier than I anticipated...! But it's great. We've done skis for weddings, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th...

Summer is a time for water skiing.... and shots!
Summer is officially here and it's time to head out for a surf, a cruise down the river or a cheeky ski on the lake. Unsurprisingly we've...

The little perks of running a shot ski business...
Every job has it's perks right? I went skiing last week and thought it only natural, ESSENTIAL no less that I take a shot ski to test run...

The Black Shot SKi
I'm always up for introducing new products and I absolutely love this one. I wanted to do something that was quite funky and a bit more...

The Shot Ski 'Lock & Loader' - welcome to the Club
I've been thinking about making a fold-able ShotSki for a long time but never quite plucked up the courage. Given that so many people...

WHAT a Christmas!!
WOW! I'm still only just recovering from the Christmas rush. From early November right up until Christmas (and into January to be honest)...

Since WHEN is drinking SO BAD!?!?
Those that know me will know that I like to have a drink. Yes, hands up busted I LIKE DRINKING. I like red wine, white wine, whisky,...

Screw the detox!
There are way way too many people on a detox at the moment. I even gave it a go (but swiftly stopped). Yes, we all drank a little too...

The ShotBoard is BACK!
Since running Shot Club, I've only been able to get my hands on 2 snowboards to use as Shot Boards, and they both sold pretty quickly....